Monday, June 3, 2013

5 Great Truths from Romans 8:25-39 - Part 1

I was recently listening to a John Piper sermon on Romans 8 that was helpful in explaining Paul's argument in the chapter. In Romans 8:25-39 Paul asks five questions and gives five answers that are essential for Christians to understand. Piper gives them as an overview in his sermon "Nothing Can Separate Us from the Love of Christ" but taking time to work out the implications of each question will bring joy to your soul and lead you to praise God. Today we will look at Question 1, and we will look at each subsequent question in the coming days.

Q1- If God is for us who can be against us? (see 8:31)
A1- No one can be against us because God is for us!

Why: God is for you, he loves you, and his favor is upon you. This is true not because of anything you have done, or who you are, but only because the Father's love and favor of Jesus is now upon you. When God looks at you He does not see your sin or record of failures and wrongs, but He sees Christ's perfect obedience and righteousness. All of this is true because Jesus died for us on the cross to take the penalty of our sins and give us his perfect record of obedience that God's love, favor, and blessing would be given to us. So in light of this we need to see that no matter what we face, whether people or circumstances against us, none of them will be successful. Nothing and no one can succeed in being against us because God is for us. The God who made all people, is all powerful, is in control of all things, is all wise and all powerful, is for you and wants what is best for you. Nothing and no one is more powerful than He is. No one and no thing will overcome his love and blessing for you because He is more powerful than they are and refuses to let their desire to harm you succeed. Just as a good and loving Father refuses to let anything in his power and control harm his young child, so our heavenly Father refuses to let anything in his power and control (which is everything) harm you. This does not mean you will never suffer, as scripture shows, but it does mean that in suffering God is for you and will use it for your good because He is for your good, as we will see in v 35-38.